19th Portion [23 Feb - 1 March 2025]
Theme of the Book of Exodus:
About pursuing the instructions in order that we can build a dwelling place for Yeshua.
Meaning of "terumah" = "donation / contribution"
This week's Torah portions:
Sunday: Exodus 25:1-16
Monday: Exodus 25:17-30
Tuesday: Exodus 25:31-26:14
Wednesday: Exodus 26:15-30
Thursday: Exodus 26:31-37
Friday: Exodus 27:1-8
Shabbat: Exodus 27:9-19 & 1 Kings 5:2-6:13
Apostolic Writings:
Matthew 5:33-37
2 Corinthians 9:1-15
The entire theme of the book of Exodus is about the fact that God has a destiny in store for man. We are created in His image. We are called to live in His likeness. All, so that we could be fruitful. And when we are fruitful, it's a display to the world of Who He is and how He dwells amongst His children!
In this portion we read about the instructions regarding the building of the tabernacle. When I embarked on this journey to discover the Biblical truths, there were two game changing things for me. One was understanding the Biblical feasts and the other was the tabernacle! Back in the day, I was so "annoyed" to read about the details of this tent in the desert - wondering why it was part of the Bible as it no longer exists. But now I am in awe of it and I cannot learn enough about it. I'm currently busy with an in depth study on the tabernacle and I'll share more about it in a few months, once I am done with it. If there's one Bible topic which I can honestly recommend you to go study on you own - the Tabernacle would definitely be in my top 2 recommendations!
Even thought the tabernacle is no longer in the desert, the spiritual significance thereof is still entirely of value to us. As Hebrews 8 confirms that we are living tabernacles. A place where the Holy Spirit could dwell. Just like God dwelled in the tabernacle amongst the Israelites. The tabernacle of the Old Testament is a shadow of what was to come in the New Testament (us being the temple). Thus understanding the spiritual meaning of the tabernacle in the desert is still just as important to us today as it was to the Israelites way back then.
From the tabernacle elements we can learn how God wants to dwell amongst us and how He wants to be worshipped.
When Abba disclosed to Moses how the tabernacle must be built, He started off with the contributions which the Israelites had to bring. What we can learn from that is that in order for us to build a dwelling place for God with us, it's going to require something from our side. I have to make a "contribution" / do my part so that He could come and dwell with me. We can't be passive!
With the tabernacle, Abba gave Moses the blue print but Moses didn't build it on his own. Those who brought the contributions were also the ones who helped to build the tabernacle. From this there is yet another lesson to be learned! We thus see that it won't only require that we give something but also that it's each one of our own's responsibility to build a place for Him to dwell.
The first item described in the Bible for the tabernacle, is the Ark of the Covenant. What we can learn from this is that when we want to build a dwelling place for Him with us - we have to do it from His perspective. From the Ark of the Covenant / Throne Room outwards. The things of the Most Holy Place are described first. Then the items of the Holy Place and then the items of the Outer Court.
Once again we can see that God is a God of order, divine order! If we want Him to dwell inside each one of us, we can't approach Him from the Outer Court. We have to start from a place of life, with Him, in the Most Holy Place. When we enter His presence and rhythm of provision, we create a dwelling place for Him to dwell in our lives.
Abba has a divine order and destiny in store for each one of us. And that destiny is that He wants to dwell amongst each one of us! He created us in His image SO THAT we could dwell with Him.
When we try to create a dwelling place for Him through approaching it from the outer court to the Most Holy Place - we'll always fall short. And we'll get stuck in religion. Doing all the religiously correct things but none of the relationship. When we approach it from the inside out, it makes all the difference! As mentioned in Kol Kallah's teaching: "to live life you have to live it from the presence of God!"
God is Life. And Life has to come forth from who we are and how we live. If we want God to dwell with us, it always starts with a "terumah" - a contribution. We have to give something.
In John 3:16 we read, "for God so loved the world that He GAVE..." The same applies when we in return say that we want to dwell with Him - then we also have to give something. And we have to give our whole lives to Him. That includes, but is not limited to, giving the things which we have.
Abba's instructions has to be written on our hearts, so that we can be able to live in His rhythm. When we live in His provision, He will provide in our needs. And we won't have the mindset of our fleshly desires. We'll live from a place knowing that everything we have belongs to Him. When we realise that it's (money, time, possessions, relationships, etc) not ours - it becomes a whole lot easier to give back.
When we are willing to give our contribution, then God comes and dwell amongst is.
My choices determine whether God would dwell with me or not. He wants to dwell with each one of us, but it's our responsibility to create that dwelling place for Him. And our lives, as we live in His Presence, should be a living testimony unto others so that they could also experience His Presence.
We need to live from His presence and not only towards His Presence. And we have to ask ourselves are we willing to contribute / give what He asks of us to do that?
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Portion 19: Terumah (This blog you are reading now)